Hard Disk Sentinel Linux Edition (FREE)
Hello ! im sory if my english bad, but i have sampe problem here and the way i fixed it just open your file manager and go to /usr/share/bi...
Hello ! im sory if my english bad, but i have sampe problem here and the way i fixed it just open your file manager and go to /usr/share/bi...
The default option for running an operating system on a Raspberry Pi is using a microSD card. In most cases this is adequate; a few years ...
2. Set the samba server Initial steps I do this every time I work with Linux or raspberry pi, and I advise you to do it too. sudo apt-get ...
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true bash
ssh putty linux install putty dan buka aplikasi putty masukkan ip selesai usernam raspberry pi paswworrd raspberry copy ctrl + c paste shi...